Saturday, January 02, 2010

Ten Things I Hope To See Less in '10

1. Jon & Kate: Perhaps the two least-appealing reality TV stars ever. She simply seems evil, and he's got this notion that he's a ladies' man.
2. The Jackson Family: The favorite son falls into a life of obscurity and freakdom. Then he dies a tragic and shocking death, and now the spare sons have a reality show and Joe is plugging his new business ventures during interviews about Michael's death. Ugh.
3. Kanye West: In another 4 years he'll do something else controversial to get attention.
4. Sagging pants: Perhaps one day young men will realize that in prison, wearing your pants low means you like it from behind.
5. Lady Gaga: Is she even a female?
6. Miley Cyrus: Mediocre voice + Disney marketing machine = lots of sales to tweeners. But remember this rule: Tweeners grow up and their heroes/heroines fall into obscurity (Footnote: see Duff, Hillary)
7. The Jonas Brothers: There's something truly creepy about guys in their mid-20s playing to 14-year-old girls. Maybe now that the one with the receding hairline is married they'll move on.
8. The Twilight Series: I'm sure the books are good and the latest movie has some visual punch. I'm just tired of the overhype.
9. Glenn Beck: It was heartening to see stacks upon stacks of his latest on clearance at Costco after Christmas, because it means people aren't buying it.
10. Tiger Woods: Here's hoping Tiger tries to work in fewer ho's..., er, I mean, HOLES this year. (Wow, that still sounds bad.)


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