Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Lastest Signs of the Apocalypse

Two things have occurred this week that I find highly disturbing:
1) On Monday, my high school's principal got on the PA during announcements to welcome everyone back. He mentioned that certain rule enforcement would be tightened up during the remaining days, among them sagging pants. "We have a problem with some of our young men exposing their underwear," he said. "We don't want to see your underwear."

Let that sink in for a moment.

"We don't want to see your underwear."

This is what supposed "fashion" has come to...teenage boys showing us their drawers, as it were.

NEVER would I have imagined a high school principal having to instruct students not to expose their underwear. What's next? "We don't want to see your genitals?"

2) Channel 5 News this morning ran a live spot in front of a local school. The subject was the impending "arctic blast" expected on Thursday and Friday, and the "policies" schools were adopting...ABOUT THE COLD.

Let me get this straight: we're about to encounter TWO DAYS of unseasonably cold weather. No ice, no snow expected. Lows in the teens and highs below freezing. And we're supposed to issue a POLICY?

How about this? Parents, what are YOU going to do in the cold? Keep the kids inside and make sure the heater's on? Yeah, NO KIDDING. That's what common sense dictates, and it's exactly what we're going to do.

To Parents and the Media: Please, please, PLEASE trust school officials to be decent, smart, caring people. Most of us are. You hear about the morons because they're unusual and therefore newsworthy. But we're all college-educated, and we have enough sense not to leave your children naked in the freezing cold. Give us some credit.


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